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Coronary Angioplasty and Stenting

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The image illustrates Coronary Angioplasty and Stenting.
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Coronary Angioplasty and Stenting An Overview

What happens when a coronary angiogram reveals that your major arteries are clogged with plaque, causing a potentially threatening blood flow obstruction? In such circumstances, Dr Karthigesan, Senior Consultant Cardiologist, may suggest a Coronary Angioplasty & Stenting procedure.

Also called Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty (PTCA) or Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI), the primary purpose of this procedure is to open up clogged arteries for unrestricted blood flow.

In an Angioplasty, a tiny balloon or catheter is inserted into the blocked artery to widen it and enable the free flow of blood. Subsequently, a small wire mesh called a stent is used to keep the artery open and prevent it from narrowing again. Most stents are coated with drugs to avoid artery closure.

Dr. Karthigesan, the best interventional cardiologist, is a specialist in dealing with such intricate cardiac procedures. As a Senior Consultant Cardiologist, he has a wealth of experience handling major and minor cardiac interventional procedures. Not only does he offer the latest cardiac treatments, but he also provides the most empathetic medical care for your heart.

Coronary Angioplasty and Stenting procedure illustration.
The image of a man holding his chest with virtual pulse signals illustrates heart failure.

Why Opt for Coronary Angioplasty and Stenting

Angioplasty is one of the most common procedures to treat atherosclerosis, or the build-up of plaque in the blood vessels of your heart. Dr. Karthigesan may suggest Angioplasty if:

  • Medication and lifestyle changes have not improved your condition.
  • You have had a major or minor heart attack.
  • You have a worsening Angina Pectoris or chest pain.

Coronary Angioplasty [PTCA] & Stenting: Evaluative Tests

Before scheduling an Angioplasty, Dr. Karthigesan will do a physical examination to assess your condition and review your medical history. He will also recommend further tests such as:

A piece of medical equipment monitor shows heart pulses and signals.
Decorative red spiral.Decorative blue spiral.
A medial expert wearing hand gloves examines a model heart with a stethoscope illustrating heart care by experts.

Coronary Angioplasty and Stenting: The Procedure

  • The main aim of the PTCA procedure is to widen or open up blockages that clog your coronary arteries, which supply blood to your heart.
  • The device used for this procedure is a catheter with a wire and an empty balloon on its tip.
  • Your heart will be accessed through an artery from your groin region, arm or wrist.
  • A catheter is inserted through any one of these arteries using a series of coronary angiogram images to guide the catheter to the blocked areas.
  • Once the catheter reaches the designated spot, the balloon on its tip is inflated to nudge open the narrowed artery and flatten the plaque against the artery wall, thus widening the artery and enabling the free flow of blood.
  • Once the artery is open, a Drug Eluting stent is fixed to prevent the artery from recoiling.
  • The catheters will be removed after assessing if the artery is properly opened up. Slight pressure will be applied to the puncture site to control the bleeding.
  • The procedure will be repeated if you have multiple blockages in your arteries.
  • Generally, angioplasties may last for less than an hour. However, depending on how many blockages need fixing and the process's intricacy, the timings may vary. You will also be monitored for further complications.

PTCA Procedure:  Before, During & Post-Procedural Care

  • The doctor will ensure that you are on adequate blood thinners.
  • Avoid food and drink intake at least six to eight hours before the procedure.
  • If a blockage is located during your angiogram, you may require an angioplasty and stenting procedure while your heart is still catheterised.
  • Dr Karthigesan will administer local anaesthesia in your groin. This way, you will not feel any pain when inserting the catheter since the area will be desensitised.
  • You will be fixed with an IV catheter on your arm, and fluids and blood thinners will be administered to prepare your system for the procedure.
  • A clinician will monitor your blood pressure, pulse rate and oxygen levels.
  • You will require an overnight stay, so the medical team can monitor your heart and modify your medications accordingly.
  • You will be advised to rest a week before resuming your routine life post-angioplasty.
  • It is best to avoid strenuous lifting or exercising for a few days post-procedure.

Coronary Angioplasty and Stenting: The Benefits

  • Alleviates symptoms arising due to blocked arteries, like shortness of breath and chest pain.
  • Enables the quick opening of clogged arteries and mitigates heart damage after a heart attack.
  • Less risky and also cost-effective than invasive surgical heart procedures.
  • Leaves minimum or no scar when compared to an open heart surgery. A prick from your IV and a small bruise from the catheter.
Decorative red spiral.Decorative green rectangle.Decorative blue rectangle.
PTCA Stent

Saves Lives

Reduce pain, prolong your life, and improve heart health with coronary angioplasty. Consult with Dr. Karthigesan today.

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Learn More About  PTCA Procedure

No. Stenting is when a stent is placed in the artery to promote the free flow of blood. On the other hand, PTCA is not always associated with stent placement. When PTCA involves stent placement, it is termed Percutaneous Coronary Intervention or PCI.

  • Balloon Angioplasty

In this procedure, a catheter with a deflated balloon at its tip is inserted through a big artery in your leg or the radial artery in your forearm. The catheter is carefully manoeuvred into the blocked area of your artery. When the catheter is in position, the balloon is inflated to nudge the plaque against the artery walls to enable the free flow of blood.

  • Coronary Artery Stenting

This procedure is often done after a balloon angioplasty to prevent the artery from shrinking again. Here, a small wire mesh is used for this purpose.

Generally, PTCA is a safe, uncomplicated procedure. However, it can rarely lead to complications like stroke, kidney injury because of the contrast dye and heart attacks. The risk of these complications, however, is less than 1%.

For this procedure, a catheter with a balloon-enclosed stent is guided through your artery to the blockage location. Once it reaches the spot, the balloon is inflated. This inflated balloon expands the stent and locks it inside the artery. Once the stent is locked, the balloon is deflated and removed. Additional X-ray images or angiograms are taken to check the flow of blood through your newly widened artery.

The stent is a permanent fixture, and its primary function is to promote uninhibited blood flow through the artery. Dr. Karthigesan may recommend more than one stent if you have multiple blockages in your arteries.
Most stents used in angioplasties are coated with drugs to prevent plaque build-up and re-narrowing of your artery.

Apart from your scheduled post-procedural visits, you should immediately check with Dr. Karthigesan if you encounter the following issues:

  • Bleeding or swelling from your catheter site
  • Pain or discomfort at your catheter insertion site
  • Rise in body temperature
  • Fluid drainage, redness, swelling, or any signs of infection in the site
  • A general feeling of weakness or dizziness
  • Sudden pain in the chest
  • Shortness of breath
  • Change in temperature or colour of the arm or leg on which the procedure was carried out.
Dr Karthigesan · Coronary Angioplasty And Stenting In Chennai - Dr Karthigesan
Dr Karthigesan · Coronary angioplasty and stenting in Chennai - Dr Karthigesan
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