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Renal Denervation Therapy

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Blood pressure monitoring machine and a heart model, emphasizing renal denervation therapy for managing hypertension.
Decorative honey comb image for bottom left.

An Effective Treatment to Control High Blood Pressure

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is one of the foremost reasons for heart-related diseases, cardiovascular issues, stroke, and other such fatalities. This condition may sometimes be irreversible. Although it is easily treatable and manageable, medications and a lifestyle change may not be effective for all individuals with hypertension.

This condition where blood pressure cannot be brought under control with medication is called Resistant Hypertension and requires a different approach to controlling blood pressure after ruling out all other potential causes. Thanks to medical advancements, Renal Denervation Therapy (RDT) is emerging as a promising solution for such medical scenarios.

Blood pressure monitor displaying readings.
Antibiotics & Pressure monitoring machine illustrate the Renal Denervation treatment for hypertension.

RDT: Who is an Ideal Candidate & When Will They Need It?

Renal Denervation for Hypertension is particularly recommended for patients with resistant hypertension despite taking at least three antihypertensive medications and diuretics at optimal dosages.

This treatment modality is typically conducted by interventional cardiologists in specialised medical centres. The primary objective of this procedure is to minimise nerve activity and thereby reduce blood pressure. Doctors use radiofrequency ablation to selectively damage the nerves in the renal arteries and reduce the activity of the sympathetic nervous system, which can result in high blood pressure.

What Happens During: Renal Denervation for Hypertension?

Renal denervation is a catheter-based technique during which your interventional cardiologist inserts a device into the femoral artery in your groin area. The catheter is slowly threaded through the renal arteries, and once it is in place, it delivers radiofrequency to ablate the nerve fibres surrounding these blood vessels.

Your doctor performs renal ablation or denervation separately for each renal artery. Once the ablation is complete, the catheters are removed, and the prick made in the groin area is compressed for few minutes and bandage applied. The radiofrequency waves disrupt nerve signals, lowers your blood pressure and improves your overall cardiovascular health.

The precise process underlying this phenomenon is not entirely comprehended. Still, it is believed to entail decreased activity of the sympathetic nervous system, leading to the subsequent relaxation of blood vessels.

A human hand gently cradling a heart, symbolizing cardio care and protection, highlighting hypertension management through renal denervation.

RDN Procedure: Before, During & Post-Procedural Care

  • Renal denervation is based on the classical angiography technique and is done by certified and trained doctors.
  • Before the procedure, your hospital carries out the admission process a day or two prior to your renal denervation appointment.
  • Your doctor explains the procedure in detail and informs you about the dos and don’ts to make it successful.
  • All renal denervation procedures are performed in angiography laboratories based on angiography principles.
  • The renal denervation procedure lasts for 1-2 hours, during which you will be sedated to ensure your comfort. However, you will not be given general anaesthesia.
  • Your doctor will apply local anaesthesia on one side of to make it numb or to desensitise
  • Once the area is desensitised, your doctor will make a small prick and insert a catheter into your femoral artery, which circulates blood to the lower body parts.
  • Your doctor guides the catheter from the femoral artery to the renal arteries in your kidneys.
  • Using ultrasound or radiofrequency pulses, your doctor will strategically damage the nerves in your renal arteries.
  • You will be kept under observation overnight in the hospital and discharged the next day.
  • You must avoid strenuous work and exercises and avoid picking up heavy objects for at least 2-3 days.
  • Depending on your healing and health status, your doctor will decide when you can resume your routine activities.
  • You will be asked to appear for two follow-up appointments and get treatment for your hypertension.
  • Your doctor will also advise modifying your lifestyle to facilitate normal blood pressure.
  • To keep your hypertension under control, you should:
    • Follow your doctor’s dietary and lifestyle advice
    • Diligently manage your hypertension medication
    • Get your blood pressure checked regularly
    • Quit smoking and adopt a healthier lifestyle

Renal Artery Denervation: The Major Benefits

Renal artery denervation is a boon for hypertensive patients who cannot achieve the desired results through medication. The procedure helps in the following ways:

  • Lowers blood pressure and minimises the risk of heart and kidney failures and stroke.
  • Involves a very short hospital stay and promotes quicker recovery with minimal pain.
  • Ensures patient safety since experienced doctors perform the procedure under controlled conditions.
  • Reduces the hypertension medication dosage or allows you to stop taking medication forever.
Decorative red spiral.Decorative green rectangle.Decorative blue rectangle.
Regain Control Over

Your Blood Pressure

Turn the tide on your resistant hypertension! Consult with Dr. Karthigesan for renal denervation treatment in Chennai. Safeguard your health today!

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Renal Denervation: 
Your Questions Answered

Renal denervation is mostly recommended for patients with resistant hypertension- a condition where the blood pressure remains high despite antihypertensive medication.

Renal denervation, however, is not for all hypertensive persons. Only a thorough consultation with your doctor will determine whether you need this therapy or not.

All medical complications involve risks, such as kidney damage or blood vessel injury, and renal denervation is no exception. However, serious complications are rare with this therapy. Nevertheless, renal denervation is generally safe when performed by certified doctors.

Since the entire procedure is performed under local anaesthesia or mild sedation, there are significantly fewer chances of experiencing pain during renal denervation therapy.

The procedure lasts for 1-2 hours. However, the duration depends on the number of renal arteries to be treated and the procedural complexity.

The success of this medical procedure is determined by:

  • The physician's dexterity and professional expertise.
  • Prompt completion of the procedure.
  • Individual application of the procedure for each renal artery.

Generally, this procedure is performed on a broad group of patients, and successful results have been achieved with the right patients. However, this therapy is unsuitable for patients suffering from renal artery stenosis.

Post-procedural care for renal denervation is something that patients must adhere to for the rest of their lives, as hypertension is a chronic condition. Patient compliance and discipline are of utmost importance, as are medication therapy and lifestyle changes. Patients who have undergone renal denervation should adopt the following lifestyle modifications:

  • Salt restriction as per your doctor’s advise
  • Complete withdrawal of alcohol
  • Regular exercise for the rest of your life.
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