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Ectopic/Missed Beats Treatment

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Ectopic/Missed Beats: 
An Overview

Do you sometimes feel a flutter/thud sensation in your chest, as if your heart skipped a beat? You might be experiencing an ectopic heartbeat. This condition, also known as premature atrial contraction or premature ventricular contraction, occurs when your heart decides to throw in an extra beat a little too early. After this unexpected beat, there's typically a brief pause — almost as if your heart is taking a moment to catch its breath. The sensation might be startling or even frightening, but rest assured, these irregularities in heartbeat are usually not harmful. ​​Usually, these ectopic heartbeats are your body's reaction to heightened stress, consumption of alcohol or caffeine, or certain cold medications.

However, if you've been experiencing ectopic heartbeats, it's vital to consult with a cardiologist who specializes in this condition to rule out any potential health risks. And there's no one better to guide you through this than Dr. Karthigesan. With Dr. Karthigesan by your side, you can expect the best advice, care, and treatment to help you navigate through the beats and rhythms of your heart. After all, your heart is in good hands with Dr. Karthigesan.

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  • A fluttering, pounding or thud sensation in your heart
  • A feeling of missing a heartbeat
  • A sensation of your heart stopping briefly
  • Hyperawareness of your heart beating
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness
  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Obesity
  • Dehydration
  • Smoking
  • Pre existing heart diseases including old heart attack
  • Low potassium levels or Hypokalemia
  • Having a large or structurally abnormal heart
  • Intake of asthma medication
  • Poor blood supply to the heart
  • Intake of caffeinated drinks and alcohol
  • Hormonal changes during menopause
  • Bodily changes due to pregnancy
  • Intake of foods rich in sugar, carbohydrates and fat
  • Life-threatening if you have already had a heart attack.
  • Risk of cardiac arrest if you've already suffered a heart attack.
  • Ventricular Tachycardia or rapid and irregular heartbeat.
A heart expert diagnosing a heart model with a stethoscope illustrates Ectopic/Missed Beats Treatment .

Types of 
Ectopic Heartbeats

Premature Atrial Contractions or PAC
PACs start from the upper chambers of your heart or the atria. Since these chambers are small, you might not feel every single beat they produce. PACs can occasionally group together, forming what we call 'runs' of ectopic beats. which you may feel as a fluttering sensation in your chest.
Premature Ventricular Contractions or PVC
PVCs begin from the ventricles. These lower chambers are robust in function, with the right ventricle supplying the lungs with blood and the left delivering blood to the rest of the body. Hence, the extra ectopic beats originating from the ventricles can create a stronger sensation ( thud feeling) than those originating from the atria.

Ectopic Beats 

You can always trust Dr.Karthigesan to give you the best treatment for missed heartbeats. Often, ectopic beats are self-resolving. If, however, your symptoms worsen, Dr. Karthigesan will decide on the best course of treatment based on the underlying causes. We suggest:


Although there are risks of developing side effects from medication, they can help reduce the frequency and intensity of ectopic beats.

Radio Frequency Ablation

For patients with high rates of ectopic beats, this procedure cures the condition and eliminates the need for lifelong medical therapy.

Lifestyle changes

Getting fitter with more exercise, adopting a heart-healthy diet and avoiding stress can help immensely in preventing ectopic beats.

Avoiding triggers

Identifying and avoiding anything that triggers heart palpitations, which include anxiety, stress, smoking, caffeine and alcohol.
Decorative red spiral.Decorative green rectangle.Decorative blue rectangle.
Can You Feel Your Heart Pounding

Through Your Chest?

Are you experiencing flutters and palpitations? Now's the time to consult Dr. Karthigesan without delay.

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Treatment for Missed Heart Beats- 

Dr. Karthigesan is a Cardiac Electrophysiologist or a heart rhythm specialist specialising in diagnosing and treating ectopic beats. To diagnose the condition, Dr. Karthigesan may recommend certain diagnostic tests such as ECG, Holter monitors, ELR, treadmill tests, and ECHO.

Yes, they are. Most often, ectopic beats can be felt like palpitations. When you have an ectopic heartbeat, you may feel an extra beat, or your heart may skip a beat. At that moment, you may feel your heart lurching. Sometimes you may momentarily feel an extra-strong beat in your chest.

Ectopic beats rarely occur in quick succession, where you may experience a normal beat, and an ectopic beat may alternate each other. Sometimes your ectopic beats may go upto five or six beats and stop, and resume a couple of minutes later.

Generally, ectopic beats and other type of arrhythmias are not preventable. However, you can mitigate the risks with these measures:

  • Managing your stress and anxiety levels.
  • Increasing your water intake.
  • Maintaining an ideal body weight.
  • Consulting your doctor about quitting smoking.
  • Avoiding caffeine, alcohol and cold medications.
Most people experience ectopic heartbeats and palpitations occasionally. However, not everyone will feel them.

After the first bout of ectopic beats, you may face several risk factors that significantly increase the risk of more such ectopic episodes. They include:

  • Excessive burnout
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Illegal drug use
  • Excessive smoking
  • Decreased potassium levels
  • Prescriptive medication intake
  • Allergy and cold medication intake
  • Intake of asthma medications
  • Intake of tea, coffee, and other caffeinated beverages

Yes, you should consult your doctor immediately if you experience the following symptoms:

  • Syncope or fainting spells
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Continuous palpitations
  • Pain or discomfort in your chest
  • Dizziness or confusion
  • Sudden weakness or tiredness
  • Oedema in your ankles, feet, and legs.
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