Did you know that certain heart conditions can be passed down from one generation to the next? Familial (inherited or genetic) arrhythmia syndrome is one such condition that can increase your risk of developing life-threatening conditions like Ventricular Fibrillation, Ventricular Tachycardia or even sudden cardiac death.
The symptoms of familial arrhythmia syndrome may worsen during exercise or emotional stress. If not treated, inherited arrhythmias may cause the heart to stop beating and may result in sudden death. Sometimes you may not experience any symptoms at all, but you may have a family history of sudden deaths. Even healthy individuals are at great risk of sudden cardiac death if they have inherited genetic heart arrhythmia from their parents. These high risks call for a family-centred approach to cardiac care. Here’s where an interventional cardiologist's expertise makes a difference. His care and guidance play a pivotal role in inherited arrhythmia syndrome diagnosis and treatment.
Dr. Karthigesan may suggest the following diagnostic tests to confirm or rule out the possibility of inherited Arrhythmia:
You may likely have experienced symptoms of genetic heart arrhythmias even before you are aware of your condition. Sometimes you may not experience any symptoms at all. It is important to understand that your outlook depends greatly on how your daily life is affected and what type of genetic mutation you have. In some cases, to avoid sudden cardiac arrest, Dr. Karthigesan may ask you to avoid stressful situations and strenuous physical activities.